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Give your guests the best stay ever

Welcome your guests with all the information they need

Why use Houzguide ?

Houzguide makes it easier for hosts and guests. Give your guests a pleasant time at your place. Provide them all the information they need during the stay. Add value to your acommodation and surprise your guests.

Better information

Provide information and instructions about your house and the equipment of your house.


Communicate rules

Inform your guests about rotines and rules for your house or city so they can feel at home


Provide services

Present all the services that you have available for your guests


Points of interests

Let your guests know what they can find around your house


Are you a host ?

Houzguide makes it simple for hosts to create a guide to their house. Create your house guide and print the necessary QR codes to stick on your house.

Start now by registering. Houzguide is free to use.

Register now

Are you a guest ?

Install the Houzguide app and scan the Houzguide QR codes on your host house.


Contact Us

Have some questions or just want to say Hi ? Send us an email to

We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
